Are Colleges Prepared for a Meningococcal Disease Outbreak?
College students are at risk for this disease since the MenB vaccine is not integrated into standard vaccination schedules, said this study.
A recent survey demonstrated that only 2 percent of universities require MenB vaccination for students prior to matriculation.
During 2013–2018, between 1 to 4 university-based MenB outbreaks occurred annually.
These outbreaks varied in size and duration and affected both small and large universities. All the outbreaks occurred at residential 4-year degree-granting universities.
Similar university-based disease outbreaks were reported in Canada in 2015, and the United Kingdom in 2017.
In 2017, partly on the basis of the experiences of these university outbreaks, the CDC revised its guidance for the evaluation and public health management of suspected outbreaks of meningococcal disease.
Read full article here.