NASHP New Briefing Document: Staying up-to-date on childhood immunizations
Following on the AAP’s #CallYourPediatrician campaign, which aims to reach parents with timely reminders that going to the pediatrician, even during COVID-19, is important and safe, the National Academy of State Health Policy (NASHP) is out with a new briefing document that compiles recent strategies that state officials have employed to ensure children stay up-to-date on immunizations. A recent op/ed by the AAP Missouri Chapter and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services echoes concerns about declining immunization rates and the importance of keeping children protected against vaccine preventable diseases as families prepare for a return to school. While some states and municipalities, like New York City, have seen a partial recovery in childhood immunizations rates since the initial days of the pandemic, many others have not, and sustained effort will be needed to prevent vaccine preventable diseases alongside COVID-19.